Thrift Blog

DIY Holiday Gift

Whether you’re looking for one last special homemade gift or the final touches to your holiday display, VOA Thrift has you covered. In this month’s blog, we share our easiest DIY project of the year!

Celebrating National Sewing Month

Whether you’re a seasoned stitcher or threading lightly for the first time, this month’s blog features a simple VOA Thrift DIY sewing project for all skill levels.

School is Nearly in Session

In this month’s blog, we’re coming to you ahead of back-to-school season with a list of
five ways VOA Thrift can ease your mind and your wallet in the new school year.

DIY Upcycled Summer Craft

In this month’s blog, we’re upcycling small outdoor patio furniture! This method can be used for everything from small end tables and chairs to dinner tables and decorative items. 

4 Tips to Take Care of You

In honor of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, we shared ways VOA Thrift can help support your overall mental health and wellbeing.

5 Things Not to Buy New 

For this month’s blog, we’re doing our part to save the planet by sharing five things not to buy new. VOA Thrift can be your go-to resource for household or clothing items that need a refresh in your eyes! 

DIY Bird Feeder

Happy National Craft Month to all who celebrate! In this month’s blog, we create a bird feeder just in time for spring.

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