Our organization wouldn’t exist without all of the dedicated staff that show up to change lives everyday. Read about some of your neighbors, why they’re here and maybe a bit about their lives away from VOA. If you’re interested in sharing your story, send us a message!

Meet Natalie Green
Cognitive Skills Specialist, Clinical
Cincinnati, Ohio
Tell us something interesting about you!
I began working VOA July 2022. I started off in the RS position, that’s where I learned so much about our mission. I grew up in this neighborhood (downtown Cincinnati) and I’m very familiar with the building, so to finally see what goes on inside is awesome! I love working at VOA because I have the ability to help someone every day. I have also had the opportunity to be promoted to a higher position as a Cognitive Skills Specialist. I love it because I’m the first staff member that the residents are introduced to because I teach orientation. Because of this, the residents will see me throughout the facility and ask me anything they want to know about the program, they are confident that I can help! I also teach ITT and Anger Management. I love when I graduate the residents and they receive their certificates for completion, sometimes it’s the only award they have ever gotten and they are so proud to show their parents, significant others etc… Being able to help someone accomplish their goals gives me great pleasure and that’s one reason I show up to work with a smile on my face. I try to implement one of our core values every day, I respect my co-workers as well as the residents. I trust that my co-workers and I come to work every day to do our best. I have integrity and I display Ministry of Service daily!! I am happy I have had this great opportunity. Thank You!